SmartOne Solar Support
Why is the ATEX temperature different than the Operating Temperature range?
The SmartOne Solar device was designed to operate over a temperature range of -40°C to +80°C. ATEX testing specifications are only valid over a temperature range between -40°C to +65°C for certification.
Phone support is available Monday to Thursday 24hrs CST.Friday: 12:00AM to 10:00PM CST.
Please have your PIN ready when calling.
PIN confirmation is not supported via voice. Please enter your pin on your phone dial-pad.
Your PIN, personal identification number, can be found by logging into your My Account.
1 (877) 452-5782
1 (985) 327 7500
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Chat Support is available in English. Additional languages are supported using machine translation.Service cancellations and payments are not supported via chat.
Chat is available Monday to Friday, from 7:00AM to 6:00PM CST.
Chat support is only available with Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera and Safari.