SmartOne Solar Support
How long can the SmartOne Solar be stored without exposure to the sun?
This depends greatly on the initial state of the batteries and the ambient temperature of the device. Also, if the device is to be stored for months at a time, it is strongly recommended to install the magnetic grommet to keep the SmartOne Solar in the OFF mode. If the magnetic grommet is installed and the batteries are fully charged then, at 20°C ambient temperature, the batteries will last for approximately 1 year.
Phone support is available Monday to Thursday 24hrs US CST.Friday: 12:00AM to 10:00PM US CST.
Please have your PIN ready when calling.
PIN confirmation is not supported via voice. Please enter your pin on your phone dial-pad.
Your PIN, personal identification number, can be found by logging into your My Account.
985 327 7500