Centro de Recursos / Keeping Safe the Things in Your Care

Keeping Safe the Things in Your Care

Employees of Federal, state and local government agencies have come to depend on SPOT for emergency notification. You probably know it well: a palm-sized device that lets workers in the field sent text messages and GPS coordinates to their managers, and to call for help when needed with an SOS that reaches the nearest first responders. Unlike cell phones, it works reliably even in the most remote and untraveled places, because its short-burst messages travel over a satellite network.

More Than SPOT

What you may not know is that SPOT messengers are just one of the ways that Globalstar supports the complex needs of field work, from farms and forests to lakes, mountains and coastlines. For many agencies, asset tracking has become as critical to their operations as emergency notification. Globalstar has a wide range of devices and applications that use the same satellite network to deliver situational awareness with big impact.

They range from the sophisticated Integrity 150 – a solar-powered tracker with onboard computing capacity to connect with sensors and process their data – to the SPOT Trace, a small, discrete tracker that can report location as often as every 2.5 minutes. They all share a powerful application called SPOT My Globalstar. It displays the location of every device being tracked and provides geofencing, which lets managers set virtual boundaries that trigger an alert if a device moves outside them.

What Asset Tracking Can Do

It is amazing what a simple GPS coordinate can do.  Wildlife agencies in more than 100 countries use Globalstar trackers and digital mapping to monitor changes in wildlife habitats and migration patterns, estimate population sizes and identify the impacts of development on wildlife. Forestry agencies use them to maintain awareness of all their firefighting assets so they can be routed safely and efficiently to where they can do the most good – and to mark locations where firefighters should not travel.

Relief agencies equip their vehicles, generators, tanks and emergency housing with asset trackers that do two jobs: providing the same situational awareness that ensures efficient operation and using the geofencing feature to protect against theft. An agency responsible for monitoring drifting icebergs deploys trackers by drone onto icebergs, which report their positions hourly. The rolling motion of bergs frequently dumps the trackers into the ocean, but their low cost makes replacement affordable.

What SPOT devices are for people, Globalstar asset trackers are for all the assets, creatures and research subjects you are responsible for. They are an affordable, reliable way to know what’s going on beyond the horizon and to keep safe all the things that are in your care.