Data de Lançamento18/10/2022
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Suporte SPOT Gen4
What does an email or SMS notification look like that I send from my SPOT Gen4?
When the SPOT system receives a "Check In" or "Help" message, it will use the contact information settings that you entered to send notifications to your friends and family. The subject line of the email contains your unit number and if it is a "Check In" or "Help" message.
The email contains the full "Check In" or "Help" message that you setup for the messenger. The email also contains the serial number, the exact latitude/longitude location and a map link. Clicking on the map link will pop up a Google maps page that will show them your current location.
If you have added a mobile numbers as a contacts, they will also receive the notification. The format of messages sent to a mobile phones are almost identical. The exceptions are the inclusion of the Google map link and your GPS location.
Contactar o serviço de apoio ao cliente: Segunda-feira das 13h a sexta-feira às 23h (UK Time), incluindo feriados:Por favor, tenha seu PIN em mãos quando ligar.
A confirmação do PIN não funciona via voz. Digite seu PIN no teclado de discagem do telefone.
Seu PIN pode ser encontrado fazendo login em Minha Conta.
+351 800 181 029 (chamada gratuita)