Globalstar System Security and Compliance

Data privacy
Globalstar is committed to privacy and provides a high standard of privacy protection to all our developers and customers. We apply stringent individual privacy protections to all Globalstar users worldwide, regardless of their country of origin or location. Read more about our Global Privacy Practices.

Globalstar is GDPR compliant. GDPR compliance is shown through actions, not through certifications. Globalstar provides our users with the ability to access and control the information Globalstar collects and processes about them. For more information, please see the Globalstar Privacy Notice.

Service Organization Control
Globalstar undergoes regular Service Organization Control (SOC) examinations regarding our controls, and we make the reports from those SOC examinations available to existing and potential partners and customers. These reports make it easier than ever for our partners, customers and prospects to feel confident in the security of our products, network and infrastructure.
What’s the difference between a SOC 2 and SOC 3 report? Globalstar’s services and infrastructure are already SOC 2 examined. The comprehensive third-party examination resulted in a 69-page detailed report regarding the results, and that SOC 2 report is available to any partner, customer or prospect at
Globalstar’s SOC 3 Security and Availability Report, however, condenses the key information from the SOC 2 report into an easily digestible 10-page summary that can be accessed directly via our website without having to sign an NDA.
Download the SOC 3 Security and Availability Report here.

Information Security Management System
Globalstar maintains its ISO 27001/IEC 27001:2013 certification, adhering to the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving an information security management system (ISMS).
The current ISO 27001 report can be requested through