The Importance of Satellite Technology in Anti-Theft Systems for Irrigation Pivots: A Case Study of Brasil Verde
The Challenge
Agriculture plays a crucial role in the Brazilian economy, significantly contributing to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and generating millions of jobs in various regions.In this context, the adoption of irrigation systems stands out as an essential strategy to maximize agricultural productivity. These systems enable cultivation in areas with water deficits and improve water use efficiency, ensuring more abundant and consistent harvests. By integrating technology and sustainable practices, irrigation becomes an indispensable ally in facing climate challenges and strengthening the competitiveness of Brazilian agribusiness in the global scenario.
Founded in 2001, Brasil Verde initially established itself to provide technical maintenance services for irrigation pivot systems, operating in this segment until 2004. Through the experience gained and constant contact with its clients, the company identified a growing problem affecting the market: theft and burglary of components of these irrigation pivots - high-value equipment often located in remote areas.
The Solution
Based on technical knowledge about the operation and assembly of these systems, the idea emerged with Brasil Verde to develop an anti-theft system integrated with an alarm central, which would be automatically triggered in case of attempted violations. This proposal was quickly accepted by the market, resulting in a proof of concept.The development of this technology faced significant challenges, especially regarding the transfer of data captured by sensors installed in irrigation systems to a central server. Effective communication was hindered by poor cellular coverage in the rural areas where these systems are installed. In addition, alternative solutions, such as using radio frequency, had limitations due to the great distance between the application sites and the centers, requiring substantial investments in infrastructure.
These challenges limited business expansion until 2016 when Rafael Almeida, founder of Brasil Verde and responsible for the development of the solution, had the opportunity to learn about Globalstar's satellite technology. "I discovered Globalstar's technology through a business partner and decided to test it as a promising alternative for the communication problems we were facing."
Globalstar’s SmartOne C, an asset tracker that allows the reception of serial signals, was incorporated into the solution, enabling the transmission of critical data, such as door openings and power cuts from irrigation systems. This information is transmitted almost in real-time to servers and distributed to Brasil Verde's monitoring center, which operates continuously.
Globalstar's satellite technology, supported by its own constellation of low-orbit satellites, ensures a secure and stable connection, even in the most remote areas, eliminating the transmission bottlenecks that Brasil Verde previously faced.
The Results
Since its creation in 2004, Brasil Verde's anti-theft system is in its fifth generation and is a patented technology of the company. Currently, the company has 2,500 installed systems, supported by the satellite transmission of SmartOne C.Recently, Brasil Verde signed an agreement with an international manufacturer of irrigation pivots to install the anti-theft system directly in the factories, ensuring the implementation of more than 6,000 pieces of equipment in the next five years.
Rafael Almeida highlights the efficiency of the system, stating that 100 percent of theft attempts in pivots where Brasil Verde's systems were installed were thwarted, despite the high frequency of occurrences: “Currently, with the number of systems installed, we identify theft and robbery attempts weekly, and we are proud to say that all cases have been prevented thanks to our system. We have never had a situation where the theft was effectively completed.”
About Brasil Verde
Brasil Verde Irrigation is a company with over 20 years in the market. We are pioneers in satellite security for the protection of irrigation systems and related equipment, and in the manufacturing and commercialization of functional machines for fertigation, which have greater capacity and precision in dosing.Our products have nationwide coverage and feature the first patented anti-theft system in Brazil for pivot and water capture, with 100% satellite signal and 24-hour monitoring every day of the year.
We are specialists in the dosing and injection of pesticides and fertilizers, as well as protection for pivot and water capture. Our commitment is to provide peace of mind and security for the producer.